round box rafia baground box rafia bag
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Handcrafted Round Box Rafia Bag with Oil Paint Art

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    Ruzu Bitters 500ML X 2

    0 out of 5

    Product Details

    NAFDAC Reg: A7-1102L
    Ruzu Nation: PROMO
    Content :: 2 BOTTLES OF 500ML LIQUID
    Ruzu Bitters is the best herbal remedy in Nigeria and Africa that’s use to solve health challenges like High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Arthritis, Back and Waist pains, Infertility, Sore throat or acute Menstrual pain. Aches and General Pain is common and may be influenced the more, depending on your profession.

    There is breakthrough in Ruzu Herbal Bitters, a product that Detoxifies the Kidney, Cleanses the Blood, Cures Bacteria Related Illnesses, and Reduces Blood Sugar. Till now we have not witnessed anything with so much efficacy. Ruzu is 100% Natural with No Alcohol Content. It is made up of 3 Major Herbs (Colocynthis citrullus 40% ,Curcugio pilosa 40%, Uvaria charmae 20% ).

    Even when you are hale, this product helps you maintain your health. It is safe for use even on children up to 3 year old, except pregnant women. Its purely herbal without alcohol. Never say impossible until you try this product!

    The cost of managing the human health is eluding the average Nigerian, not to talk of fake Drugs that seem to worsen the Health of Patients, leaving them more sick that before they administered the Drug.

    Nature’s Pure Miracle…Save a life today with Ruzu Herbal Bitters

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    Purple Hibiscus By Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.

    0 out of 5

    Purple Hibiscus is the story of Kambili, a self-effacing, teenage girl coming of age in Eastern Nigeria. Living in too-sheltered privilege, and at once in awe and fear of her fanatic, violent father, Kambili’s world starts to fall apart after she and her brother are sent from home to briefly visit an aunt and their cousins. There, they learn about love and laughter, and so return to their strict, silent home forever changed…

    Internationally-acclaimed winner of The Commonwealth Writers Prize for the Best First Book in 2005, Purple Hibiscus marked the debut of an astonishing literary talent. Purple Hibiscus is now on the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) list for Literature.

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